Principal Investigator: Wei-Chuan Shih

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, and Chemistry
University of Houston
Email: wshih@uh.edu / Phone: 713-743-4454
Eng. Bldg. 1 N308, Houston Texas 77204
Biosketch (CV)
Wei-Chuan Shih earned his BS, MS, and Ph.D. from National Taiwan U, National Chiao Tung U, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively. His Ph.D. work was conducted at MIT Spectroscopy Laboratory/NIH Laser Biomedical Research Center under late laser physicist Dr. Michael S. Feld, studying novel optical spectroscopy techniques for non-invasive chemical/biomedical sensing and disease diagnosis. He also worked extensively on MEMS design and nanofabrication at MIT Mechanical Engineering under Drs. George Barbastathis and Sang-Gook Kim. Prior to joining the U. of Houston, he was Schlumberger research fellow, studying optical analysis of hydrocarbon and offshore oil spill monitoring.
Dr. Shih is tenured Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering and Chemistry at the U. of Houston. He was MIT Martin Fellow of Sustainability, and received NSF CAREER Award in Biophotonics, inaugural NASA Early CAREER Faculty Award, UH Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship, and UH Cullen College of Engineering Faculty Research Excellence Award. Besides NSF and NASA, his research is also supported by NIH, DoI, and GoMRI, with a past 5-year total over US$3.5M. Dr. Shih has been selected as a Topical Editor of Optical Society of America’s major journal Applied Optics in 2017. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and SPIE.
Dr. Shih has published more than 100 articles in the public domain. He has published >60 peer-reviewed journal papers. He has 14 patents, one of which has been licensed. His scholarly papers appear in peer-reviewed journals such as ACS Nano Letters, Applied Materials & Interfaces, Analytical Chemistry; Wiley Advanced Materials, Small, J. Biophotonics, RSC Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale, J. of Materials Chemistry, Analysts, Advances; OSA Optics Express, Biomedical Optics Express, Optical Materials Express, Optics Letters, Applied Optics; SPIE J. of Biomedical Optics, SAS Applied Spectroscopy, and IEEE/ASME J. MEMS. His research has been featured on OSA Optics & Photonics News (OPN), CNBC, Forbes, ScienceDaily, Phys.org, SpectroscopyNOW, Houston PBS, UH Moment and numerous other media outlets. Dr. Shih has delivered seminars at famed institutions such as MIT, Columbia, Duke, Rice, NC State, U Minnesota, UT Health, UC Davis, TAMU, Johns Hopkins, U Iowa, Vanderbilt, RPI, NCTU, NTU, CUHK, HKU, NIH, Schlumberger, Halliburton and etc. He has also delivered invited talks at conferences such as SPIE Photonics West, SPIE Optics & Photonics, SPIE Defense & Commercial Sensing, ACS meetings, ECI Advances in Optics, IEEE Photonics Conference, IEEE NANOMED, PittCon, SciX/FACSS, META, and etc. He has actively engaged in serving the scientific community by the following participation: IEEE NANOMED (general program co-chair), IEEE Optics MEMS & Nanophotonics (technical committee member), SPIE Photonics West and SPIE Translational Biophotonics (technical committee member), and numerous session chairing. He is Associate Editor of OSA Applied Optics.
2015 Faculty Research Excellence Award, CCE, University of Houston2013 Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship (university level), University of Houston
2012 NSF CAREER Award
2012 NASA Early CAREER Faculty Award (inaugural)
2011 NIH study section panelist (2011-present)
2011 Best Poster award, ECI: Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery
2008 Best paper award, Schlumberger NAM REMS Reservoir Symposium
2007 Schlumberger Postdoctoral Fellow (Schlumberger-Doll Research)
2005 MIT Martin Fellow
1999 Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society
Honors of group members
2014 Best PhD dissertation award (Ji Qi), Cullen College of Engineering, U Houston2014 Best poster award (Ji Qi), Graduate Research Conference, U Houston
2013 Best oral presentation award (Jingting Li), Graduate Research Conference, U Houston
2013 Best poster award (Szu-Te Lin), Graduate Research Conference, U Houston
2012 Best poster award (Ji Qi), Graduate Research Conference, U Houston
Biophotonics (ECE6339, Initiated) (Spring ’14, ’15, ’16; Fall ’17, Fall ’18)Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy (ECE 6397) (Spring '11, ’12, ’13)
MEMS and Nano Devices (ECE 6384) (Spring ’18)
Signals and Systems / Electrical Engineering Analysis (ECE 3337) (Fall '10, '11,’12, ’13, ’14, Spring ’17)
Optical and Ultrasound Imaging (ECE 6338) (Spring '10)
Digital Signal Processing (ECE 6342) (Fall '09, ’15)
Postdocs/ Students/Mentees
PhD students:
Ji Qi**, PhD student, 2010-2014 (Schlumberger).
Pratik Motwani, PhD student, 2010-2015 (Intel).
Lanchao Liu, PhD student, 2011-2015 (Intel).
Mufaddal Gheewala, PhD student, 2009-2013 (Intel).
Fusheng Zhao, PhD student, 2012-2017 (Chinese Academy of Sciences).
Jingting Li**, PhD student, 2012-2017 (Chinese data mining industry).
Yulung Sung, PhD student, 2013-2018 (Intel).
Masud Arnob, PhD student, 2013-2017 (Intel).
Hoang Nguyen, PhD student, 2015-present.
Ibrahim Misba, 2016-present.
Jong-Moon Lee, 2017-present.
Dilani Gunawarda**, 2017-present.
Mohsen Rakhshandehroo, 2018-present.
Nareg Ohannesian, 2018-present.
Chun-Jen Lin, 2018-present.
Shang Liu, 2018-present.
Jing Lu**, PhD student, 2012-2013.
Szu-Te Lin, PhD student, 2010-2014.
Dr. Camille Artur**, Postdoc (9/2016-4/2018)
Dr. Jianbo Zeng, Postdoc (12/2012-3/2015) (Clariant).
Dr. Greggy Santos, Postdoc (6/2013-6/2016).
Dr. Oussama Zenasni, Postdoc (1/2015-8/2016).
Dr. Suyan Qiu**, Postdoc (1/2015-8/2016).
Dr. Yuankai Yue, Postdoc (7/2015-7/2016).
Dr. Siva Kund, Postdoc (9/2015-11/2015).
Dr. Gauri Bhave**, Postdoc (1/2015-6/2015).
Dr. Rui Lu, Postdoc (1/2015-8/2015).
Dr. Ming Li**, Postdoc (9/2013-11/2014).
Dr. Po Sun, Postdoc (12/2012-5/2013).
Dr. Jinwei Li, Postdoc (12/2012-5/2013).
Visiting scholars:
Dr. Siming Li, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences (8/2017-8/2018)
Prof. Zhicheng Zhong, Jilin University (2/2015-2/2016).
MS student:
Abhishek-Reddy Pamu (9/2009-2/2010).
Radhika Gupta** (9/2015-6/2016).
Undergraduate researchers:
Xiaosi Zhang**, Summer intern (HUST), 7/2017-10/2017.
Ryan San Miguel, NSF REU, summer 2017.
William Payne, NSF REU, summer 2017.
Ashita Bhojwani, NSF REU, summer 2017.
Mariam Malik**, Intern student (University of Houston), 2016.
Zhenyu Hu, SURF/PURS scholar, 2015-2016.
Fernando Campa*, NSF REU (UT Arlington), 2016.
Kelly O’Shaughnessy**, NSF REU (University of Cincinnati), 2016
Ze Wang, Summer intern (HUST), 2015.
Ming Do**, NSF REU (University of Houston), 2015.
Ali Tejani, NSF REU (UT Austin), 2015.
Jake Goran, Summer intern (U of Arizona), 2015.
Cesar Figueroa**, SURF/PURS scholar, (University of Houston), 2010-2013.
Emery Annis, PURS scholar (University of Houston), 2012-2013
Shivali Narang**, UG researcher (University of Houston), 2012-2013.
Molly McCarthy**, NSF REU (Trinity U) 2012.
Gustavo Chamusca*, PURS scholar (University of Houston), 2011-2012.
Chris Brannan, NSF REU (UMass) 2011.
Anushimita Kulshik**, UH-India summer program (IIT), 2010.
Melissa Young**, STAR Program (University of Houston), 2009.
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Book Chapters and Magazine Articles (5)
1 Camille G Artur and Wei-Chuan Shih, “Nanoporous gold nanoparticles and arrays for label-free nanoplasmonic sensing,” Chapter 2 in Miniature Fluidic Devices for Rapid Biological Detection, Springer, 2018.2 Wei-Chuan Shih, “Hybrid fabrication makes better plasmonic nanostructures for SERS,” Photonics Spectra, August, 2013.
3 Wei-Chuan Shih, Kate L Bechtel, Michael S Feld, Mark A Arnold and Gary W Small, “Introduction to Spectroscopy-Based Non-invasive Glucose Sensing,” In Vivo Glucose Sensing, Editors: D. Cunningham and J. A. Stenken (Wiley 2009).
4 Wei-Chuan Shih, Kate L Bechtel and Michael S Feld, “Non-invasive Glucose Sensing with Raman spectroscopy,” In Vivo Glucose Sensing, Editors: D. Cunningham and J. A. Stenken (Wiley 2009).
5 Wei-Chuan Shih, Kate L Bechtel, Michael S Feld, “Quantitative Biological Raman Spectroscopy,” in Handbook of Optical Sensing of Glucose in Biological Fluids and Tissues, Editor: Valery V. Tuchin (Taylor & Francis 2008). [PDF]
Peer-reviewed Journal Publications (60)
2018 (6)
1 Christopher Ertsgaard, Nathan Wittenberg, Daniel Klemme, Avijit Barik, Wei-Chuan Shih, and Sang-Hyun Oh
Integrated nanogap platform for sub-volt dielectrophoretic trapping and real-time Raman imaging of biological nanoparticles [Link] [PDF]
Nano Letters, 2018 (Published on line).
2 Jingting Li, Fusheng Zhao, Yu Deng, Dong Liu, Chia-Hung Chen, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Photothermal generation of programmable microbubble array on nanoporous gold disks [Link] [PDF]
Optics Express 26(13): 16893-16902 2018.
3 Md Masud Parvez Arnob, Hung Nguyen, Zhu Han, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Compressed sensing hyperspectral imaging in the 0.9-2.5 μm short-wave infrared wavelength range using digital micro-mirror device and InGaAs linear array detector [Link] [PDF]
Applied Optics 57(18): 5019-5024 2018.
4 Erkin Seker, Wei-Chuan Shih, and Keith J Stine
Nanoporous metal by alloy corrosion: Bioanalytical and biomedical applications [Link] [PDF]
MRS Bulletin 43(1): 49-56 2018.
5 Tiffany Franklin, Lauren Perry, Wei-Chuan Shih, and Jorn Yu
Detection of phytocannabinoids from buccal swabs by headspace solid phase microextraction – gas chromatography/mass spectrometry [Link] [PDF]
Analytical Methods 10: 942-946 2018.
6 Shihhao Ran, Sebastian Berisha, Rupali Mankar, Wei-Chuan Shih, and David Mayerich
Mitigating Fringing In Discrete Frequency Infrared Imaging Using Time-Delayed Integration [Link] [PDF]
Biomedical Optics Express 9(2): 832-843 2018.
7 Camille G Artur, Tasha Womack, Fusheng Zhao, Jason L Eriksen, David Mayerich, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Plasmonic nanoparticle-based expansion microscopy with surface-enhanced Raman and dark-field spectroscopic imaging [Link] [PDF]
Biomedical Optics Express 9(2): 603-615 2018.
2017 (11)
1 Masud Arnob and Wei-Chuan Shih
3D plasmonic nanoarchitecture as an emerging biosensing platform [Link] [PDF]
Nanomedicine 12(21): 2577-2580 2017.
2 Yu-Lung Sung, Fernando Campa, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Open-source, do-it-yourself multi-color fluorescence smartphone microscopy [Link] [PDF]
Biomedical Optics Express 8(11): 5075-5086 2017.
3 Yu-Lung Sung, Jacob Garan, Hoang Nguyen, Zhenyu Hu, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Automated batch characterization of inkjet-printed elastomer lenses using a LEGO® platform [Link] [PDF]
Applied Optics 56(26): 7346-7350 2017.
4 Fusheng Zhao, Masud Arnob, Oussama Zenasni, Jingting Li, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Far-field plasmonic coupling in 2-dimensional polycrystalline plasmonic arrays enables wide tunability with low-cost nanofabrication [Link] [PDF]
Nanoscale Horizons 2(5): 267-276 2017.
5 Mehmet Tatli et al
Raman spectra and DFT calculations for botryococcene and methylsqualene hydrocarbons from the B race of the green microalga Botryococcus braunii [Link] [PDF]
Journal of Molecular Structures 1147: 427-437 2017.
6 Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Nanoporous gold nanocomposites as a versatile platform for plasmonic engineering and sensing [Link] [PDF]
Sensors 17(7): 1519 2017.
7 Masud Arnob, Fusheng Zhao, Jingting Li, ans Wei-Chuan Shih
EBL-based fabrication and different modeling approaches for nanoporous gold nanodisks [Link] [PDF]
ACS Photonics 4(8): 1870-1878 2017.
8 Masud Arnob and Wei-Chuan Shih
3-dimensional plasmonic substrates based on chicken eggshell bio-templates for SERS based bio-sensing [Link] [PDF]
Micromachines 8(6): 196 2017.
9 Suyan Qiu, Fusheng Zhao, Oussama Zenasni, Jingting Li, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Catalytic assembly of DNA nanostructures on nanoporous gold array as 3D architectures for label-free telomerase activity sensing [Link] [PDF]
Nanoscale Horizons 2(4): 217-224 2017.
10 Ngoc-Duy Dinh, Rongcong Luo, Maria Tankeh Asuncion Christine, Weikang Nicholas Lin, Wei-Chuan Shih, James Cho-Hong Goh, and Chia-Hung Chen
Effective Light Directed Assembly of Building Blocks with Microscale Control [Link] [PDF]
Small 13(24): 1700684 2017.
11 Hoang Nguyen, Md Masud Parvez Arnob, Aaron T. Becker, John C. Wolfe, Matthew K. Hogan, Philip J. Horner, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Fabrication of multipoint side-firing optical fiber by laser micro-ablation [Link] [PDF]
Optics Letters, 42(9): 1808-1811 2017.
2016 (5)
1 Jae Won Jeong, Md Masud Parvez Arnob, Kwang-Min Baek, Seung-Yong Lee, Wei-Chuan Shih, and Yeon Sik Jung
Three-dimensional Cross-point Plasmonic Nano-architectures Containing Dense and Regular Hot Spots for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Analysis [Link] [PDF]
Advanced Materials, 2016.
2 WC Shih*, G Santos, F Zhao, O Zenasni, and M Arnob
Simultaneous chemical and refractive index sensing in the 1-2.5 um near-infrared wavelength range on nanoporous gold disks [Link] [PDF]
Nano Letters 2016.
3 G Santos, F Ferrara, F Zhao, DF Rodrigues, and WC Shih
Photo thermal inactivation of heat-resistant bacteria on nanoporous gold disk arrays [Link] [PDF]
Optical Materials Express 6(4): 1217-1229 2016.
4 Suyan Qiu, Fusheng Zhao, Oussama Zenasni, Jingting Li, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Nanoporous gold disks functionalized with stabilized G-quadruplex moieties for sensing small molecules [Link] [PDF]
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8(44): 29968-29976 2016.
5 Jingting Li, Fusheng Zhao, and Wei-Chuan Shih
Direct-write patterning of of nanoporous gold microstructures by in situ laser-assisted dealloying [Link] [PDF]
Optics Express 24(20): 23610-23617 2016.
2015 (10)
1 Jingting Li, Yong Du, Ji Qi, Ravikumar Sneha, Anthony Chang, Chandra Mohan, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Raman spectroscopy as a diagnostic tool for monitoring acute nephritis [Link] [PDF]
Journal of Biophotonics 9(3): 260-269 2015.
2 Yu-Lung Sung, Jenn Jeang, Chia-Hsiung Lee, and Wei-Chuan Shih*, Fabricating optical lenses by inject printing and heat-assisted in situ curing of polydimethylsiloxane for smartphone microscopy [Link] [PDF]
Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(4): 047005 2015.
3 Ming Li, Yong Du, Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Chandra Mohan, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Reagent- and separation-free measurements of urine creatinine concentration by stamping surface-enhanced Raman scattering (S-SERS) [Link] [PDF]
Biomedical Optics Express 6(3): 849-858 2015.
4 Greggy M Santos, Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Ming Li, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Label-free, zeptomole cancer biomarker detection by surface-enhanced fluorescence on nano porous gold disk plasmonic nano particles [Link] [PDF]
Journal of Biophotonics 2015 (Published 2/2015).
5 O Khantamat, CH Li, F Yu, AC Jamison, WC Shih, C Cai and TR Lee
Gold nanoshell-decoraed silicone surfaces for the NIR photo thermal destruction of the pathogenic bacterium E. faecalis 7(7): 3981-3993 [Link] [PDF]
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015 (Accepted 2/1//2015).
6 Wei-Chuan Shih*, Kate L Bechtel, and Mihailo Rebec
Non-invasive glucose sensing by transcutaneous Raman spectroscopy [Link] [PDF]
Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(5): 051036 2015.
7 Ji Qi, Pratik Motwani, Jianbo Zeng, John C Wolfe, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Morphological, plasmonic, and SERS characterization of DC-sputtered gold nanoislands [Link]
Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging 4(1): 95-103, 2015 (Accepted 12/23/2014) [PDF].
8 Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Greggy M Santos, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
In situ patterning of hierarchical nanoporous gold structures by in-plane dealloying [Link]
Materials Science and Engineering B 194: 34-40, 2015 (Accepted 12/7/2014) [PDF].
9 Wei-Chuan Shih*
A study of constrained regularization and its performance on non-invasive glucose sensing using Raman spectroscopy [Link]
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 2015 (Accepted 11/24/2014) (DOI: 10.1142/S1793545815500224) [PDF].
10 Jianbo Zeng, Fusheng Zhao, Ming Li, Chien-Hung Li, T. Randall Lee, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Morphological control and plasmonic tuning of nanoporous gold nanoparticles by surface modifications [Link]
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3(2): 247-252 2015 (Published as Adv. Art. 12/1/2014). [PDF]
2014 (13)
1 Ji Qi, Kate L Bechtel, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Automated image curvature assessment and correction for high-throughput Raman spectroscopy and microscopy [Link]
Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging 3(4): 359-368, 2014. [PDF]
2 Md Masud Parvez Arnob, Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Laser rapid thermal annealing enables tunable plasmonics in nanoporous gold nanoparticles [Link]
Nanoscale 6(21):12470-12475, 2014. [PDF]
3 Jianbo Zeng, Fusheng Zhao, Chien-Hung Li, Yifei Li, Yan Yao, T. Randall Lee, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Internal and external morphology-dependent plasmonic properties in nanoporous gold disks [Link]
RSC Advances 4, 36682-36688, 2014. [PDF]
4 Narendran Sudheendran, Ji Qi, Eric D. Young, Alexander J. Lazar, Dina C. Lev, Raphael E. Pollock, Kirill V. Larin, Wei-Chuan Shih*
High throughput Raman spectral imaging complements optical coherence tomography for tumor boundary detection [Link]
Laser Physics Letters 11:105602, 2014 [PDF]
5 Ming Li, Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Ji Qi, Jing Lu, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Microfluidic surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensor with monolithically integrated nanoporous gold disk (NPGD) arrays for rapid and label-free biomolecular detection [Link]
Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(11): 111611 2014 [PDF]
6 Jianbo Zeng, Ji Qi, Fuquan Bai, Jorn Yu, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Analysis of ethyl and methyl centralite vibrational spectra for mapping organic gunshot residue [Link]
Analyst 139, 4270-4278, 2014 [PDF]
7 Ji Qi, Jianbo Zeng, Fusheng Zhao, Steven Hsesheng Lin, Balakrishnan Raja, Ulrich Strych, Richard C. Willson, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Label-free, in situ SERS monitoring of individual DNA hybridization in microfluidics [Link]
Nanoscale 6, 8521-8526, 2014 [PDF]
8 Jing Yang, Xuebin Tan, Wei-Chuan Shih, and Mark Cheng
A sandwich substrate for ultrasensitive SERS spectroscopic detection of folic acid / methotrexate [Link]
Biomedical Microdevices 16(5), 673-679, 2014 [PDF]
9 Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Md Masud Parvez Arnob, Po Sun, Ji Qi, Pratik Motwani, Mufaddal Gheewala, Chien-Hung Li, Andrew Paterson, Uli Strych, Balakrishnan Raja, Richard C. Willson, John C. Wolfe, T. Randall Lee, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Monolithic nanoporous gold disks with large specific surface area, tunable plasmon resonance, and high-density, internal plasmonic hot-spots [Link]
Nanoscale 6, 8199-8207, 2014 [PDF]
10 Greggy M. Santos, Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Characterization of nanoporous gold disks for photothermal light harvesting and light-gated molecular release [Link]
Nanoscale 6(11), 5718-5724, 2014 [PDF]
11 Ji Qi and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Performance of line-scan Raman microscopy for high-throughput chemical imaging of cell population [Link]
Applied Optics 53(13): 2881-2885, 2014 [PDF]
12 Peter Liu, Ji Qi, Wei-Chuan Shih*, and Kirill Larin*
Improvement of tissue analysis and classification using Optical Coherence Tomography combined with Raman spectroscopy [Link]
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 8(2), 1550006, 2014 [PDF]
13 Ming Li, Jing Lu, Ji Qi, Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Jorn Chi-Chung Yu, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Stamping surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for label-free, multiplexed, molecular sensing and imaging [Link]
Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(5): 050501, 2014. [PDF]
2013 (2)
1 Ji Qi, Pratik Motwani, Mufaddal Gheewala, Christopher Brennan, John C. Wolfe, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using monolithic nanoporous gold disk substrates [Link]
Nanoscale 5: 4105-4109, 2013 [PDF]
2 Ji Qi, Jingting Li, and Wei-Chuan Shih*
High-speed hyperspectral Raman imaging for label-free compositional microanalysis [Link]
Biomedical Optics Express 4(11): 2376-2383, 2013 [PDF]
2012 (2)
1 Szu-Te Lin, John C. Wolfe, John Dani and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Flexible optitrode for localized light delivery and electrical recording [Link]
Optics Letters 37(11): 1-3, 2012 [PDF]
2 Ji Qi and Wei-Chuan Shih*
Parallel Raman microspectroscopy using programmable multi-point illumination [Link]
Optics Letters 37(8): 1289-1291, 2012 [PDF]
2011 (1)
1 A Ballard Andrews, Wei-Chuan Shih, Oliver C Mullins and N. Koyo
Molecular size determination of coal-derived asphaltene by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy [Link]
Applied Spectroscopy 65(12):1348-1356, 2011 [PDF]
Pre-group (9)
1 Wei-Chuan Shih* and A. Ballard Andrews
Infrared contrast of crude oil covered water surfaces [Link]
Optics Letters 33(24): 3019-3021, 2008 [PDF]
2 Wei-Chuan Shih* and A. Ballard Andrews
Thermal infrared contrast of native and crude oil covered water surfaces [Link]
Optics Express 16(4): 10535-10542, 2008 [PDF]
3 Wei-Chuan Shih, Kate L Bechtel and Michael S Feld
Intrinsic Raman spectroscopy for quantitative biological spectroscopy Part I: Theory and simulations [Link]
Optics Express 16(17): 12726-12736, 2008 [PDF]
4 Kate L Bechtel, Wei-Chuan Shih and Michael S Feld
Intrinsic Raman spectroscopy for quantitative biological spectroscopy Part II: Experimental applications [Link]
Optics Express 16(17): 12737-12745, 2008 [PDF]
5 Wei-Chuan Shih*, Kate L Bechtel and Michael S Feld
Constrained regularization: A new method for multivariate calibration [Link]
Analytical Chemistry, 79(1): 234-239, 2007 [PDF]
6 Obrad Scepanovic, Kate L Bechtel, Abigail S Haka, Wei-Chuan Shih, Tae-Woong Koo, Andrew J Berger, and Michael S Feld
Determination of uncertainty in parameters extracted from single spectroscopic measurements [Link]
Journal of Biomedical Optics 12(6), 064012, 2007 [PDF]
7 Wei-Chuan Shih*, Sang-Gook Kim and George Barbastathis
High resolution electrostatic analog tunable grating with a single-mask fabrication process [Link]
IEEE/ASME JMEMS, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 763-769, 2006 [PDF]
8 AMK Enejder, TG Scecina, J Oh, M Hunter, WC Shih, S Sasic, GL Horowitz, and MS Feld
Raman spectroscopy for non-invasive glucose measurements [Link]
Journal of Biomedical Optics 10(3), 031114, 2005 [PDF]
9 Wei-Chuan Shih*, -, George Barbastathis
MEMS tunable gratings with analog actuation [Link]
Information Sciences, vol. 149, pp. 31-40, 2003 [PDF]
Peer-reviewed Conference Full-length Article (40)
Label-free biomolecular sensing by SERS on nanoporous gold nanoparticle arrays, IEEE Nano, Cork Ireland, July 2018.
Photothermal generation of programmable microbubbles array on nanoporous gold disks, IEEE OMN, Lausanne Switzerland, July 2018.
Local refractive index sensitivity of nanoporous gold nanodisk array, OSA Sensors, Zurich Switzerland, July 2018.
Hoang Nguyen, MMP Arnob, and Wei-Chuan Shih, Laser micro-ablated multi-point side-firing optical fiber for deep-tissue light delivery, IEEE Photonics Conference, 2017.
Camille G Artur, Tasha Womack, Jingting Li, Jason Eriksen, David Mayerich, and Wei-Chuan Shih, Hyperspectral expansion microscopy, IEEE Photonics Conference, 2017.
MMP Arnob and Wei-Chuan Shih, 3D plasmonic nanoarchitectures for extreme light concentration, Proc. of SPIE Vol 10346, 1034606, 2017.
Ibrahim Misba, Fusheng Zhao, and Wei-Chuan Shih, Tunable gold nanodisks array on flexible substrates, IEEE Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, 1-2, 2017.
J Li, F Zhao, WC Shih, Single-molecule DNA hybridization on nanoporous gold nanoparticle array chip, Proc. of SPIE Vol 10075, 1007505-1, 2017.
J Li, Y Yue, WC Shih, A flexible and rapid frequency selective scheme for SRS microscopy, Proc. of SPIE Vol 10069, 1006914-1, 2017.
J Li, F Zhao, WC Shih, Laser-assisted dealloying for direct-write patterning of plasmonic nanostructures, Proc. of SPIE Vol 10115, 101150K-1, 2017.
WC Shih, F Zhao, Surface-enhanced near-infrared absorption on nanoporous gold nanoparticle array chip, SPIE BiOS, 1008002-1008002-1, 2017.
S Qiu, F Zhao, J Li, WC Shih, Portable SERS sensor for malachite green and other small dye molecules, Proc. of SPIE Vol 10072, 1007202-1, 2017.
F Zhao, S Qiu, J Li, WC Shih, Sensitive and selective nanoplasmonic sensor by functionalized nanoporous gold nanoparticle array chip, Proc. of SPIE Vol 10080, 1008006-1, 2017.
Yu-Lung Sung, Fusheng Zhao, Jingting Li, and Wei-Chuan Shih, “Gold nanoparticle decorated AAO filter membrane for SERS sensing of urine acetaminophen,” IEEE Sensors, Oct 2016.
Wei-Chuan Shih,* Fusheng Zhao, Ousamma Zenasni, and Masud Arnob, “Surface-enhanced near-infrared absorption (SENIRA) spectroscopy,” IEEE Sensors, Oct 2016.
Fusheng Zhao, Suyan Qiu, and Wei-Chuan Shih, “Nanoplasmonic sensing on DNA topological structure functionalized nanoporous gold disks,” IEEE Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), Aug 2016.
Jingting Li, Ming Li, Yong Du, Greggy M. Santos, Chandra Mohan, Wei-Chuan Shih, “Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for renal condition monitoring,” Proceedings of SPIE, 2016.
Greggy M. Santos, Felipe Ibanez, Fusheng Zhao, Debora Rodrigues, Wei-Chuan Shih, “Photothermal inactivation of bacteria on plasmonic nanostructures,” Proceedings of SPIE, 2016.
Suyan Qiu, Fusheng Zhao, Greggy M. Santos, Wei-Chuan Shih, “Plasmonic biosensor for label-free malachite green detection,” Proceedings of SPIE, 2016.
Jingting Li, Ming Li, Greggy M. Santos, Fusheng Zhao, Wei-Chuan Shih, “Photothermal generation of microbubbles on plasmonic nanostructures for flow manipulation inside microfluidic channels,” Proceedings of SPIE, 2016.
Gauri Bhave, Fusheng Zhao, Jingting Li, and Wei-Chuan Shih, “Wavelength tunable plasmon enhanced photoluminescence from quantum dots”, IEEE Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), Aug 2015.
Masud Arnob, Fusheng Zhao, and Wei-Chuan Shih, “Modeling Nanoporous Gold Plasmonic Nanoparticles: Calculation of Optical Properties”, IEEE NANO, Jul 2015.
Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Masud Arnob, Greggy Santos, Wei-Chuan Shih, "Monolithic nanoporous gold disks with large surface area and high-density plasmonic hot-spots", in Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XII, Tuan Vo-Dinh; Joseph R. Lakowicz, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9340 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2015), 93400B.
Ming Li, Yong Du, Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Greggy Santos, Chandra Mohan, Wei-Chuan Shih, "Stamping SERS for creatinine sensing", in Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XII, Tuan Vo-Dinh; Joseph R. Lakowicz, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9340 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2015), 934004.
Ji Qi, Jianbo Zeng, Fusheng Zhao, Greggy Santos, Steven Lin, Balakrishnan Raja, Ulrich Strych, Richard Willson, Wei-Chuan Shih, "Label-free monitoring of individual DNA hybridization using SERS", in Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XII, Alexander N. Cartwright; Dan V. Nicolau, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9337 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2015), 93370D.
Ming Li, Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Greggy Santos, Wei-Chuan Shih, "Label-free, multiplexed, molecular sensing and imaging by stamping SERS", in Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XV: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Gerard L. Coté, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9332 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2015), 93320E.
Ji Qi, Narendran Sudheendran, Chih Hao Liu, Greggy Santos, Eric D. Young, Alexander Lazar, Dina Lev, Raphael Pollock, Kirill V. Larin, Wei-Chuan Shih, "Raman spectroscopy complements optical coherent tomography in tissue classification and cancer detection", in Optical Biopsy XIII: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, Robert R. Alfano; Stavros G. Demos, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9318 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2015), 931807.
Ming Li, Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Greggy Santos, Wei-Chuan Shih, "Monolithically integrated microfluidic nanoporous gold disk (NPGD) surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensor for rapid and label-free biomolecular detection", in Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems XIII, Bonnie L. Gray; Holger Becker, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9320 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2015), 93200K.
Greggy M. Santos, Fusheng Zhao, Jianbo Zeng, Wei-Chuan Shih, "Photothermal light harvesting and light-gated molecular release by nanoporous gold disks", in Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics XII, Valery V. Tuchin; Kirill V. Larin; Martin J. Leahy; Ruikang K. Wang, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9322 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2015), 93220J.
Szu-Te Lin; Mufaddal Gheewala; John A Dani; John C Wolfe; Wei-Chuan Shih, “Flexible optitrode for localized light delivery and electrical recording,” Proc. SPIE 8565, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics IX, 85655Y (8 March 2013); doi: 10.1117/12.2005707.
Ji Qi, Pratik Motwani, John C Wolfe and Wei-Chuan Shih, “Monolithic porous gold nanostructures as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates for molecular and biosensing,” Proc. SPIE 8597, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine X, 85970I (February 21, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2005727.
Ji Qi and Wei-Chuan Shih, “Sparse-sampling parallel Raman/SERS microspectroscopy for high-throughput molecular analysis of micro and nanoparticles,” Proc. SPIE 8587, Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues XI, 85871N (February 22, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2005718.
Ji Qi, Pratik Motwani, John C Wolfe and Wei-Chuan Shih, “High throughput Raman and surface-enhanced Raman microscopy,” Proc. SPIE 8219, Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy V: Advances in Research and Industry, 821903 (February 9, 2012); doi:10.1117/12.908971.
Yingying Li, Wei-Chuan Shih, Zhu Han and Wotao Yin, "Oil spill sensor using multispectral infrared imaging via l1 minimization," ICASSP, Prague CZ, May 2011, DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946670.
Szu-Te Lin, Mufaddal Gheewala, John C Wolfe, John A Dani and Wei-Chuan Shih, “A flexible optrode for deep brain neurophotonics,” IEEE/EMBS International Conference on Neural Engineering, Cancun, Mexico, May 2011, DOI: 10.1109/NER.2011.5910644.
Wei-Chuan Shih, A Ballard Andrews and Matthew Clayton, “Offshore stand-off oil spill monitoring using passive optical imaging,” Proc. SPIE 7312, Advanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies VI, 73120V (1 May 2009); doi: 10.1117/12.818738.
Wei-Chuan Shih, Kate L Bechtel and Michael S Feld, “Intrinsic Raman spectroscopy improves analyte concentration measurements in turbid media,” Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting by Optical Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Mar 2006; DOI: 10.1364/BIO.2006.MC7.
Wei-Chuan Shih, Carlos Hidrovo, Sang-Gook Kim and George Barbastathis, “Optical diversity by nanoscale actuation,” IEEE NANO, San Francisco CA, 2003.
Wei-Chuan Shih, Chee Wei Wong, Yong Bae Jeon, Sang-Gook Kim and George Barbastathis “Electrostatic and piezoelectric analog tunable diffractive gratings,” Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Long Beach CA, May 2002; DOI: 10.1109/CLEO.2002.1033451.
Wei-Chuan Shih, Chee Wei Wong, Yong Bae Jeon, Sang-Gook Kim, Martin A Schmidt, Salil Desai, Dennis M Freeman, Arnab Sinha, Gregory Nielson, and George Barbastathis, “Analog tunable diffractive grating with milliradian resolution,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Anaheim CA, Mar 2002; DOI: 10.1109/OFC.2002.1036296.
Patents (14)
1 Fabrication and applications of multiple side-window, side-firing optical fiber
(Non-provisional application)
Inventor: Wei-Chuan Shih and Hoang Nguyen; Assignee: U. Houston
2 Direct-write patterning of nanoporous gold microstructures by in situ laser-assisted dealloying
(Non-provisional application)
Inventor: Wei-Chuan Shih and Jingting Li; Assignee: U. Houston
3 US9995851, Fabrication of lenses by droplet formation on a pre-heated surface
Inventor: Wei-Chuan Shih and Yulung Sung; Assignee: U. Houston
4 62004131, Nanoporous gold and silver nanoparticles and substrates for biomolecular sensing
(Non-provisional application)
Inventor: Wei-Chuan Shih and Richard C Willson; Assignee: U. Houston
5 US9546958, Method of stamping surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for label-free, multiplexed, molecular sensing and imaging
Inventor: Wei-Chuan Shih and Ming Li; Assignee: U. Houston
6 US986914 Method of fabricating a probe
Inventor: John C Wolfe, Mufaddal Gheewala, Wei-Chuan Shih; Assignee: U. Houston
7 US9873152 Nanoporous gold nanoparticles as high-payload molecular cargos, photothermal/photodynamic therapeutic agents, and ultrahigh surface-to-volume plasmonic sensor
Inventor: Wei-Chuan Shih; Assignee: U. Houston
8 US9103793 Intrinsic Raman spectroscopy
Inventors: KL Bechtel, MS Feld, and Wei-Chuan Shih; Assignee: MIT
9 US8902421 Method and system for active-illumination parallel Raman microspectroscopy
Inventors: Wei-Chuan Shih; Assignee: U. Houston
10 US8661663 Method for manufacturing a multimodal neural probe
Inventors: John C Wolfe and Wei-Chuan Shih; Assignee: U. Houston
11 US6975459 Micro-actuated adaptive diffractive composites
Inventors: G Barbastathis, SG Kim, Wei-Chuan Shih, CW Wong, YB Jeon; Assignee: MIT
12 US8124931 Method and apparatus for oil spill detection
Inventors: AB Andrews, Wei-Chuan Shih, M Clayton, OC Mullins; Assignee: Schlumberger
13 US8362429 Method and apparatus for oil spill detection
Inventors: AB Andrews, Wei-Chuan Shih, M Clayton, OC Mullins; Assignee: Schlumberger
14 US 8355767 Raman spectroscopy for non-invasive glucose measurements
Inventors: M Hunter, A Enejder, T Scecina, MS Feld, Wei-Chuan Shih; Assignee: MIT